Saturday, March 14, 2015

Bread Notes and a Raccoon

Not to brag, but this sourdough loaf just came out of my oven. Check out that open crumb and generous oven spring! I sense that there will be some cheese and a bottle of wine in my near future...

Also, apropos of nothing, this lumbering creature crossed my backyard this morning. 


Connie said...

The bread looks yummy! That is one visitor I don't really want in my yard.

Trish said...

Yes, I was glad to see he was moving along to somewhere else.

Heidi’sbooks said...

You have a right to brag--the bread looks perfect!

Trish said...

Thanks, Heidi! Bread baking always seems like a little bit of a miracle to me. Every time I cut into a fresh loaf I'm amazed that it's worked out once again.