Thursday, June 27, 2013

Newest TBRs

It's piles like this that make me want to take the phone off the hook. 

Not only did I find that lovely vintage 'Passion for Books' book on my last rummage through a thrift store book sale, but these too. There isn't even a single sign that they've ever been opened. 


Jackie McGuinness said...

Great selection! I have the Monica Ali on my TBR and have just checked out the Anne Quindlan.

JoAnn said...

Lovely selections! I loved Truth & Beauty. When I finished, I went straight to the library and checked out a copy of Autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy, also excellent.

I'm hoping to read The Ambassadors soon, and then follow up with Foreign Bodies by Cynthis Ozick.

Now go take that phone off the hook and enjoy your books!

Pooch said...

I haven't read these. Thanks for an interesting list to browse at Goodreads!

Sam (Tiny Library) said...

Happy reading :)

Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

OOOhh looks lovely!

BECKY said...

It's such a delight to find "used" books to purchase and read!

Connie said...

Looks like some interesting selections. I'll never get through my list of ones I want to read--especially since I keep adding to it!