Friday, June 7, 2013

Reading Notes

Introducing the newest additions to my TBR shelf. Is it strange that I like to leave them out for awhile before shelving them? I like to flip through them, read a few pages, look them over and get to know them better before they disappear into my mountainous reading pile. 

I also just realized that I have quietly slipped into consuming books in every way possible. The best way, of course, is still the paper book, of which I'm currently reading Marina Endicott's Good to a Fault, and loving it. Then I have JK Rowling's Casual Vacancy on my iPod to listen to on my morning walks, also very good. And now I have James Joyce's The Dubliners as a *gasp* ebook on a borrowed iPad - for travelling purposes, you see, and late night don't-want-to-disturb-the-hub reading. Those magical back-lit 'pages' are really quite nifty. As much as ebooks have a service and a purpose, I will never give up my paper books or the library that holds them. I'm just saying.


Connie said...

I like paper books and ebooks both as well. :-)

Trish said...

I can see them living happily side-by-side. I just can't justify an all-ebook library.

JoAnn said...

I usually prefer reading actual paper books, but love my kindle paperwhite for "late night don't-want-to-disturb-the-hub reading" and travel.