Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Vinyl Cafe Stories - Stuart McLean

Vinyl Cafe stories have been around for years, usually on CBC radio here in Canada. But I've only just now discovered they are also available on audiobook from my library. Who knew? They're such fun, sweet stories. I love them. Each one is about 20 minutes and revolves around the family of Dave, his wife Morley, and their two children Stephanie and Sam as they go about their everyday lives. There are often neighbours and friends involved and there's almost always a moral or a life lesson to be learned at the end. I've seen these collections in print but it's really Stuart McLean's voice and reading pace that make these stories so wonderful to listen to.


Connie said...

I've never heard of these. They sound like they'd be fun to read (or listen to).

Trish said...

They're lovely stories but I don't know if they're available anywhere else . . .? Although perhaps in these days of the internet they could be downloaded anywhere.

Debbie Rodgers said...

Fantastic! The stories are always better when Stuart McLean reads them.

I just discovered that there are 2 at my local library branch. Unfortunately, I don't think anything other than paper books is available on loan from other branches. (A ridiculous & outdated rule.)

Anyway - thanks for bringing them to my attention!

laughingwolf said...

...tue or wed, stu also reads 2 older stories... early afternoon... cbc-radio-1

google for more info