I love seeing free books treated with such love and care as this. Because, yes, usually free books are one step away from going in the garbage. I bet you sometimes find some treasures, though!
On Friday, my husband and I were walking into town and outside someone's house there was a box of books with the label 'Please take'. He was happy because there was the newest George Martin in there.
Our snow isn't this deep right now either. Although sometimes at the side of the road where it's been plowed it can be very deep, which looks like might have been the case in this picture.
I love this idea and I'm seriously thinking of doing this. I was worried that someone might steal them but can you steal something that's free? Now I have to get my husband to build a book box.
There’s a free book exchange at the local dump near the cottage – it certainly doesn't look as charming as this!
That's lovely! (and the view outside my window isn't quite as deep with snow, thankfully, though snowy enough)
I love seeing free books treated with such love and care as this. Because, yes, usually free books are one step away from going in the garbage. I bet you sometimes find some treasures, though!
That's a very charming photo :)
On Friday, my husband and I were walking into town and outside someone's house there was a box of books with the label 'Please take'. He was happy because there was the newest George Martin in there.
Our snow isn't this deep right now either. Although sometimes at the side of the road where it's been plowed it can be very deep, which looks like might have been the case in this picture.
Oooh I love when that happens! Those happened-upon books are the most delicious, I think.
I love this idea and I'm seriously thinking of doing this. I was worried that someone might steal them but can you steal something that's free? Now I have to get my husband to build a book box.
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