Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I Remember Nothing by Nora Ephron

I listened to this as an audiobook read by Nora Ephron herself and, really, I am now convinced that this is the best way to 'read' a memoir because no one knows their stuff better than the person who lived it. Although, this is not a memoir as much as a collection of short personal essays including her interesting professional life and how she got to be a writer of books, plays and movies. Nora has a wonderfully droll sense of humor and observation about life and aging that had me chuckling and cringing with familiarity. What an enjoyable listen this was.

Nora Ephron returns with her first book since the astounding success of I Feel Bad About My Neck, taking a cool, hard, hilarious look at the past, the present and the future, bemoaning the vicissitudes of modern life and recalling with her signature clarity and wisdom everything she hasn't (yet) forgotten. (shelfari)


Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

I've never listened to an audiobook by the author. I've heard mixed opinions about it. I've been hit or miss with audiobooks so I've been extra cautious.

Trish said...

Yes it is hit or miss but because I do a lot of walking I can also do a lot of sampling and stick with the ones that work for me. Their voices really have to be somewhat pleasant. Do you have a library where you can check a few out? That's where I get mine so there's no expense or commitment.

Tracy said...

I must make more effort to listen to a few audiobooks - they are the one media (which should probably be medium?) I never really do - but then I don't drive, and the kids prefer listening to music or sport radio if we do go on a long journey.

Kailana said...

This sounds like a great experience!

Trish said...

I really only resigned myself to audiobooks because of all my walking. I was getting tired of listening to music and figured it would be a convenient way to get through some of the books I've been wanting to read. Two birds with one stone and all that.

Trish said...

I enjoy humorous and thoughtful audio memoirs like this best of all.