Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Books For Non-Readers

Books that get me out of reading slumps would probably work for non-readers as well. I find that short-ish nonfiction and memoirs read more like articles or, better still, like conversations with a friend. They can be intense and heavy or light and fun, something for every mood.

1. Better Than Life by Daniel Pennac - This is by far the number one book for readers and non readers alike. It is a love story to the pleasures of reading. It's short, fun, and conversational in tone, without a hint of lecture or proselytizing anywhere - I cannot recommend it enough.

2. Klee Wyck by Emily Carr - This Canadian artist spent many years living with West Coast Natives in their villages learning their way of life and painting their scenes. Beautifully written and very evocative.

3. The Life and Times of The Thunderbolt Kid by Bill Bryson - One of the funniest memoirs I've ever read. This author is like everyone's favorite uncle.

4. A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway - My favorite of his books. Beautifully written and so Paris in  the 20s. What's not to love?

5. Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt - Okay, this one is emotionally heavy but his writing is sublime. I couldn't put it down.

6. Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris - Very funny and split up into short essays making it easy and quick to pick up and put down. No commitment!

7. Catch Me If You Can by Frank Abignale - A pretty cool story and so much better than the movie because the reader gets to see what's going on in his head. This guy may have been a criminal but he was a brilliant and creative criminal.

8. Job Hopper by Ayun Halliday - This woman cracks me up. She's put together a collection of vignettes of her early working life in much the same way as David Sedaris does.

9. Time Was Soft There by Jeremy Mercer - A young writer spends a year living at Shakespeare and Company in Paris.

10. House Rules by Rachel Sontag - Heavy and emotional and impossible to put down.

A Top Ten meme from The Broke and The Bookish.


Anne said...

I have been meaning to read A Moveable Feast, I think I would really enjoy it. Great list!

Kell said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. :)

You know what? I've not read ANY of the books you list here, so I'm going to have to rectify that situation pronto!

My Tuesday Memes post

Alyssa said...

I actually haven't read any of these books except Me Talk Pretty One Day and I agree it is a quick read! I have to add some of these to my pile! Here is my Top Ten

Anonymous said...

I want to read 'Catch Me if you Can' - I've heard it's a great read! Thanks for stopping by today. ~Kristin

MJ said...

I cannot believe I still haven't read A Moveable Feast. That needs to change, asap. Klee Wyck sounds really good. I'd never heard of her, but it looks like she led an interesting life.

Anonymous said...

I loved Angela's Ashes - just so beautiful. I have added quite a few books from here to my tbr pile - I forgot that Catch me if you Can is a book. I better track that one down soon. Thank you for stopping by my blog :)

Unknown said...

Great suggestions. I've heard a lot about House Rules. I also feel like an idiot, I had NO idea Catch Me if You Can was a book. I must go read it. =)

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

A wonderfully thoughtful list. Thank you.

Here's my Top Ten List of Books I'd Hand to Nonreaders.

I'd like to invite you to sign up for my February Giveaway! Win All Kinds of Kisses or a $25 Amazon gift card!

Alex said...

Gosh- I haven't read any of them. Bill Bryson is someone I want to read since I've heard he really is great and the few chapters I've read in book stores have always been funny and good indication that I would like them.

I've read another book called House Rules. Jodi Picoult, I think.

Scribacchina said...

I arrived here to see what Pennac you had on your list, but after some research I take it it is the same I mentioned on mine: aka Reads Like a Novel, original title Comme un roman. Hard to keep track with all those titles :-)
Me Talk Pretty One Day is actually on my wishlist. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Shakespeare & Company! I'm still kicking myself for not going when I was in Paris, but the website at the time said the store was closed. D: I'd love to read about a writer who actually lived and worked there.

Jennifer said...

You have a great and unique list! I loved the movie Catch Me If You Can...I'll have to check out the book. Thanks for visiting!

Jennifer @ Feminist Fairytale Reviews

Jenna St. Hilaire said...

A Moveable Feast needs to join my to-read-immediately stack! Possibly Angela's Ashes, too. And Abagnale's story is fascinating, though I haven't read the book--I've only heard a talk he gave years before the movie came out. Great list!

Sam (Tiny Library) said...

The only one of these I have read is Bryson's and whilst I liked it, I didn't like it as much as some of his other books. Lots of your other recommendations have gone straight on my wishlist :)

Epiphany Renee said...

I love the idea that a good memior is like a conversation with a friend, I think that's a great idea for non-readers, or even those who don't usually connect with non-fiction (like me -- so thank you).

Like to visit my Top Ten? http://epiphanyrenee.blogspot.com/2012/02/top-ten-books-youd-hand-to-someone-who.html#comments

Amy @ bookgoonie said...

Catch Me If You Can was awesome. I bet that book is good.

manda-rae said...

I think I'll have to go read Catch Me If You Can now. I loved the movie, so I'll probably like the book. Great picks!

Thanks for visiting my Top Ten.

DeniseF said...

Love Angela's Ashes. I haven't heard of any of the others. I may have to add some of them to my TBR pile.

Heidi said...

Angela's Ashes is the first book I can remember reading that had me laughing and crying in turn. Such a good suggestion.

Meghan @coffeeandwizards said...

And...I've read none of these D:

LBC said...

There are so many here that I haven't heard of. I recommended Naked by David Sedaris in my post. I also really liked Angela's Ashes.

Zo said...

I haven't actually read any of these...well I have read parts of "Me Talk Pretty One Day." I've read some Bryson too and know he's pretty absorbing.

Maggie said...

What a neat list! And I think you are right about memoirs. I will be looking for a few of these at the library, for sure.

Anonymous said...

I'm adding Time Was Soft There to my TBR list tonight. It sounds wonderful!

This is Bookzilla, by the way. Neither Blogpost nor Blogger are letting me comment while logged in. Here's my Top 10 Tuesday for the week.

Heather Zundel said...

I love that you have classics on here as well. And I've never heard of Better than Life. I love excuses to go to the library. :)