Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Further to Monday's post, here's what I do love about Gothic/Victorian writing  . . .

The afternoon was closing in, and the hall, which had no fire lighted in it, looked dark and gloomy, but we did not stay there a moment. The old servant, who had opened the door for us, bowed to Mr Henry, and took us in through the door at the further side of the great organ, and led us through several smaller halls and passages into the west drawing-room, where he said that Miss Furnivall was sitting. Poor little Miss Rosamond held very tight to me, as if she were scared and lost in that great place; and as for myself, I was not much better.

Elizabeth Gaskell The Old Nurse's Story


Natalie~Coffee and a Book Chick said...

LOVE THIS - I have Cranford waiting for me to read. I love Victorian Gothic literature. Perfect to read in the wintertime.

Kerry said...

I had never heard of Gaskell until receiving one of her books as a gift - must say, this passage intrigues me.

Cat said...

Wonderful passage - I'm a lover of Victorian Gothic too. The Old Nurse's story isn't familiar to me so I'll have to try and find it.

Trish said...

coffee and book chick - I've had my eye on Cranford ever since I read up on Elizabeth Gaskell. The story and characters sound a little more good-natured and serene for once. I'll be looking out for your review!

kerry - I've only just discovered Gaskell myself and I'm quite enjoying her writing.

cat - this is one of the stories in her 'Gothic Tales' collection. I thought short stories would be a great way to get to know a new author. So far, so good!